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Social Media

Social media images and posts are created to educate and entertain while establishing you as a subject matter expert.

Book Quote Posts

Facing our fears means facing our faults and discovering where we might be blocking our path to a more peaceful journey. In this way, we will also experience a journey of self-discovery.
Mindfulness helps us bring the worries to the surface and into the light, where we can see how they hold us hostage and have power over our actions.
We can be so physically drained and emotionally low on love that self-care efforts drain us even further.
Holding intense emotions inside keeps us in fight or flight more. Sharing or venting is a release. It is an act of self-care that makes us feel lighter and less burdened.

Education Posts

Barriers to Setting Boundaries: 1. We have not been taught how to set boundaries. 2. We feel guilty about setting a boundary. 3. Boundaries in the past have been trampled. 4. We don't recognize the need to set a boundary.
This or That: What is your best next move? Continue to rely on folks who can't engage OR Become your own support system.
What is your WHY? 1. Why do you care for your loved one? 2. Why do you show up each day? 3. Why do you get back up when you fall?
The caregiver role requires new levels of communication skill & finesse

Promotion posts

Caregiver Friendly Award 2023: Roundtable interview with 2023 Caregiver Friendly Award Winners Elizabeth Miller & Theresa Wilbanks
Parker Colorado speaking promo social media post: Empowering Family Caregivers
Navigating the Caregiver River book gift social media post: A gift of empowerment for the family caregivers in your circles.
Connecting Caregivers Radio social media post. Toni Gitles, from Heart of Caregiving, joins Linda Burhans, host of Connecting Caregivers Radio, for a caregiving conversation and discussion about Toni's new book "21 Mistakes Caregivers Make & How to Avoid Them"

LinkedIn Profile

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Cover Images

Sustainable Caregiving Social Media Cover: Let's Navigate the Caregiver River Together
Navigating the Caregiver River Facebook Cover: A Journey to Sustainable Caregiving by Theresa Wilbanks
Heart of Caregiving Facebook Group Cover: Celebrating the Journey